Thursday, March 12, 2009

Graduation Day!

Health Promoter Students and teachers
pose for a final picture

Celestina, assisted by Nicanor
demonstrates newborn care at the
graduation festivities

More Pictures

Debbie takes a temp

Rich and Charles load drinking water
Cal and Tracey see a Patient

Children enjoy the Limbo Game

Monday, March 2, 2009

Panama Picture Diary

Prayer and preparation before Monday´s first day of work for the full team. We met with hosts and local Methodist helpers before begining the day.

The pharmacy team
prepared for the first
clinic day.

More pictures to follow that show our work throughout the week.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

We Have Arrived!

Our team of 16 arrived safely in Panama City on Friday evening 2 hours late. We finally checked into our hotel by 1:30 am Saturday. We were all tired but glad to have made it safely. Early on Saturday, Linda, Janet and Jane rose at 5 am to travel to the local airport to fly to David in order to begin the last segment of the health promoter class while the rest of the team traveled by bus.
When we arrived in Cienaguita, the health promoter students were waiting and greeted us with a welcoming song and hugs. We taught the students in a new house that had been constructed by VIM volunteers for the local manager of the community center. It was nice to be in a new building with our old friends from the Ngobe reservation. We began class by asking how the students had used their new health knowledge since our last visit. There were many stories of how they were teaching their neighbors about sanitation, ways to disinfect drinking water in the sunlight and treating wounds using the medical kits they had each been given.
Tomorrow (Monday) the whole team will set up clinic and begin all of the programs; a new children´s program, a health clinic and continue with the health teaching. As we move through the next few days, we will try to update this blog with more news of our adventures.